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RE: Shipping costs for Dunlop 8000 or D40 M2?
> From: shields@tembel.org (Michael Shields)
> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 19:10:05 -0500
> Subject: Dunlop 8000 or D40 M2?
> It looks like you can just UPS them, follow the link on shipping
> costs.
Or, if you know the weight, origin zip, and destination zip, you can check the real UPS shipping costs (not the inflated shipping + "handling" charge that most mail order places charge).
Go check out the quick cost calculator at http://www.ups.com/using/services/rave/rate.html, or download a Windows version of the QCC at http://www.ups.com/using/software/quikintro.html. You may not get a better rate from the mail order place, but at least you'll know whether and how much they're gouging you.
OK, I admit I work for UPS and I do have a vested interest here, but these really are helpful utilities.
Mark Hilbush
Baltimore, MD
87 4kq
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein