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UrQ option code 764 (fwd)
In message <9703212134.AA11765@vtkapp.voicetek.com> Bryan Gunn writes:
> > No voice on a 1989 car. The digital dash is great because you can customise
> > it by switching bits off and on, and by cycling through a number of displays
> > such as remaining range, MPG, hours driven, etc. At night, on long cruises, I
> > switch it _all_ off bar the speedometer and turn the light down on that.
> Hmmm. I didn't know you could do that. That does make it sound kinda cool.
> I gotta get me a Coupe with a digital dash and see how I like it. The Coupe
> dash is green, though. Yours is orange, right?
> One quick final question: The switches on the left side of the instrument
> pod - the top control is the headlight switch, and the bottom is the
> panel brightness. From top to bottom, what are the other two switches?
Top - front fogs. Purely ornamental.
Bottom - rear fog - mechanically linked to above - no rear without fronts.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club