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Acceleration / Topend

Forgive me for bringing this thread back up, but I just stumbled across some
Acceleration Times and Max Speed times for a range of cars that I think have
the same engine, gearbox, rear axle and wheel size (14").  Only differences
being the body styles and weight.  These are cars from the early 80's
Mitusbishi Range.

Starion EX Turbo Coupe              7.6     133
Lancer 2000 Turbo Saloon/Sedan      8.0     127
Galant Turbo Saloon/Sedan           8.4     127

The Starion is lightest, and has the lowest wind resistance, and achieves
6Mph more, and accelerates faster.  Both the Lancer and Galant are similar
styles, but the Lancer is smaller, and lighter.  I take it from this that
wind resistance appears to effect Top End, whilst effects acceleration most.

Hope this clears something up,


82 Audi 100 5E 2144cc inj (142k)
84 Mitsubishi Galant Turbo (96k and rusty)  
80 Rover 2600S SDI(46k yes, 46k and on head #5 or will be)
Of all these cars, only the Audi is still running... just!
Mike Walder                   | email:   miwa@premier.co.uk       
Computer Hardware Engineer    |          michael@dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk
Undergraduate Computer Science| WWW:     www.dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk:80/~michael
at The University of London.  | Fax:     01344 776677