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RE: V1 vs. #2??

I've got one, and the sensitivity plus the count plus the arrows are
worth the $400. I've used the count once or twice to find a cloaked REO,
and use the arrows all the time to decide if the REO is a threat. Worth
every cent, in my mind. HTH.
-Ian Duff.
>-----Original Message-----
>From:	James Marriott [SMTP:marriott@lesbois.com]
>Sent:	Sunday, March 23, 1997 12:57 PM
>To:	quattro
>Subject:	V1 vs. #2??
>Pops got nabbed in Oregon yesterday for 86 in a 55 (said he thought it was
>70-mph zone). The REO ($165 for this one) was travelling towards him and
>turned around to pursue. This was continuous radar, right? The guy just
>drives along with the speedo-subtracting computer showing the miscreant's
>Probably any detector would have picked up on this, but is the V1 worth the
>$200 penalty over the #2 unit? Folks have mentioned (best metaphor: 
>"you'll go through a V1's worth of pads with this one") falsing and such,
>as well as the "front, side, and rear" arrows. The $100 laser premium seems
>worthless, as it generally just indicates that you should pull over, AFAIK.
>Any insights (his last ticket was in '68) would be appreciated.
>BTW, please consider general-list relevance before "reply all"-ing.