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Re: V1 vs. #2??

On Sun, 23 Mar 97 09:57:25 PST, James wrote:

...snip ...
>as well as the "front, side, and rear" arrows. The $100 laser premium seems
>worthless, as it generally just indicates that you should pull over, AFAIK.

Personal experience with laser: On a straight piece of road, the car ahead was
zapped. My detector caught enough scattered light to tell me so and I
decelerated before the officer got a bead on me. Just a matter of luck, of
course, but by having laser detection, I made my own luck in that case.
>BTW, please consider general-list relevance before "reply all"-ing.
Could be wrong, but I think "road-wise" discussions are interesting
to automobile enthusiasts in general.

DeWitt Harrison     de@aztek.com
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq