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Bentley Manuals Forsale

Hello gang,

I am selling my used two volume set of Bentley manuals for the 84-88 5000S and
5000CS Gasoline, Turbo, and Turbo Diesel (yuk!) including Wagon and Quattro
for $65.

I also have the"Body Repair Information" manual that covers the 
Quattro Coupe (1982-85)
4000 (1980-84)
Coupe (1981-85)
4000 Quattro (1983-84)
5000 (1978-85)
for $20

and the new Electrical Trouble shooting manual that covers  the
Audi 80, 90, Coupe Quattro for years
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
for $35

Please email me if yoy are interested in these manuals....

Scott M.

 Please email me if