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quattro WWW pages...

In message <3335A93E@msmsmtp1.comnet.bt.co.uk> "Pearce,MR,NAIC4,PEARCEM3 M" writes:

> Do I take it that you personally are paying for the server space? If so, 
> then I will bend Dave P's ear! To my mind the pages need a little spice, you 
> know, a little blast with something like HoTMetaL. If this is limited by the 
> space available/cost of keeping them on the server, then there's not much 
> you can do.

The original purpose of the page was merely to act as a target for Alta Vista 
et al,  so that anyone doing a web search would find us.  The space is part of 
the 5MB included in every Demon dial-up account - we use very little for 
company purposes.
But as to "a little spice" - in the first place, I want to be compatible with 
the lowest common denominator of browser.  In this case, I've settled on IBM's 
WebExplorer 1.1 as my low functionality benchmark.  It's a question of form vs. 
content, and for me access to content is paramount.  I've no objection to 
hanging some ego-trip stuff off to one side, but that's a separate issue.

I was in New York a month or so back, at IBM's Madison Avenue headquarters 
talking to some of their senior vice presidents.  You should have seen the 
reaction when I told them that their own web pages could not be accessed with 
any of their own browsers - that a user had to go to Microsoft or Netscape to 
get a browser that could access the IBM site!

> If you'd like any help with producing the pages, let me know, I have all the 
> kit needed, since this is my line of business (free lance computer 
> consultant). I have a scanner, HTML editing software (MS Front Page and the 
> afore mentioned HoTMetaL), internet links for e-mail, ftp etc and a bit of 
> knowledge of how to put it all together. Perhaps we could off set the costs 
> of the server space by selling space for advertising the commercial quattro 
> specialists already listed (presumably gratis).

Let's see how the space goes.  I'm moving the company stuff off to a commercial 
web server in a month or two.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club