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In message <970323173454_-1939093094@emout09.mail.aol.com> VINCELYONS@aol.com writes:

>> The car did not restart until about 30 mins had elapsed.  After this half
>>  hour, I am not sure of it is the cooler temperature that allows the engine
>>  to restart or some other issue, such as fuel evaoprating.  The car would
>>  restart, I would drive for couple of minutes only to have it stalled again.

> ie: Hall Sender getting silly ?

I've forgotten what car we're talking about.
On later ones, you can spin the engine on the starter for five seconds, leave 
the ignition on, and pull the codes.  It will tell you why it isn't starting.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club