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Re: Gearbox problems on a 1988 90 Q

Ian - I'd go w/Phil's suggestion first about checking the gearbox oil level,
although I'd take it one step further and change it.  17mm hex driver;
loosen fill nut on left side of trans (passenger's side for you), then empty
by unscrewing bottom drain plug (also 17mm).  Fill w/approx 3 quarts (US) of
*synthetic* (I used Redline MT90 as recommended by Redline) until it oozes
out.  Can't hurt, and will make shifting more pleasant especially if you've
got some miles on the car (it made a big difference just recently in mine -
*much* smoother shifting).

As for reverse, try this old trick:  Come to a stop, push clutch down, shift
into second gear, shift into reverse, let up clutch.  That should prevent
your gear clashing problem.

Try pausing briefly before shifting into one of your 'problem' gears (like
second); shifting quickly will aggravate the problem if it is synchros
starting to go.  And getting new fluid in should help......SLM

At 02:58 PM 3/21/97 -0000, you wrote:
>Hello all, I'm having problems gearchanging on my 1988 90 Quattro. When
>I find it hard to change into a gear, for example first when moving off,
>if I bring the clutch up a bit the car slips into gear. Another way to
>get it into gear is to try and push it in, and when it won't go,
>continue pushing but with less force, so I end up trying to change gear
>normally then using fingertip pressure to actually get it in. I
>generally have to use both in one gearchange, just pushing it in doesn't
>work. Neither does just soft pressure, it seems to need a normal
>pressure movement followed by a light pressure movement to get it in.
>The harder I shove, the more reluctant it is! It's first and second that
>give me the problems, third, fourth and fifth seem fine.
>Also, when I go to change into reverse, I have to push the clutch, pop
>into reverse, wait for 5 seconds or so, then take my foot off the
>clutch. If I don't wait for 5 secs, I get the most monstrous gear
>crunching sound.
>Can anyone help me on this?

Steve Manning:	stephenm@ix.netcom.com (Metro D.C. area, USA)
.....Mainly Mopars, an '88 Audi 90Q, other stuff