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Trade-in Gamma for Delta?

Getting more and more exasperated with the gamma unit on my 94 90csq so 
I went to the dealer (Paul Miller, NJ) this a.m. to check on my options. 
He said exchange program is still available for $125 (or free if 
under warranty) but that gamma units are on "months" backorder.  Not too 
suprising considering major gamma shortcomings.

He also indicated that I could install older delta unit for same money 
(or free if under warranty) with no backorder. 

Should I do it?

Between the delta and gamma, I think the faceplate color is same and the 
sound quality and output comparable.  I used to have a '90 9020vq with 
the delta and don't ever remember having problems (except the indicator 
light went out after 30k) and the sound was superior - but probably 
more due to the better rear speakers than the head unit.  I think I 
remember from list postings past recommendations to "upgrade" from delta 
to gamma? Why? CD changer capability?

I peeked inside the A4/A6/A8s there and they all had newer deltas but 
they seemed like they had a different shape (longer & narrower) and thus 
would not fit.

Other dealer update: Paul Miller showroom includes 1 Boxster, 1 A8 
(they look so small), zero A4 1.8T 5-speeds, and a gaggle of Land Rover 

Thanks in advance for your recommendations.
