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Re: '87 5K CS TQ CHECK ENGINE light?!?!?!

Thanks to all the replies so far.  Here's where I am.

I ran the diagnostics tonite with the help of you Q-listers and my
Got two fault codes:

2113  Hall Sending Unit:  Control unit not receiving signal; Distributor
improperly adjusted 
                             (Signal out of phase)
2322  Intake air temperature sensor:   Defective sensor or open circuit
in wiring to sensor

Great, so far.  Being the mechanical genius that I am, especially when
it comes to electronic
diagnosis, I'm really not to sure where to go from here.  Knowing what a
distributor is, I open it 
up and look around for the Hall sender.  While in there I notice that my
rotor and dist. cap contacts
are carbonized.  (Could this be causing a problem?)  I clean the
contacts and rotor.  I test drive 
again per instructions; the light still comes on but not as often and
only under higher load.  
I re diagnose, and still get the same fault codes.  I really think I am
in over my head.

Can anyone explain the purposes of the about devices, where to find the
Intake air sensor, etc.
How critical is the proper functioning of these devices?  Am I in danger
of getting stranded over the
next few days until I get to the shop?

How expensive are these fixes?


Robert Myers wrote:
> Dunno.  Read out the code from the computer and that should give you an idea.

> >Tonight coming home from work the "Check Engine" light would flash on
> >briefly when changing gears,  initially while under moderate boost and
> >4k rpm +.   The manual says could be a problem with low octane fuel,
> >knock sensors, or other ignition system problem.