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The trip to Pike's Peak
Well, fellow Q-heads,
It looks like Yer Kindly Ol' Unka Bart might be able to make the trip afterall.
Stuff happens and things change, but right now it looks like I'll be leaving
after I attend my Niece's Baby's Baptism on 6/29. I'll be in Augusta, GA for
that and could easily be in Atlanta to meet up with anyone on that date, since
it's only two hours away from Augusta.
Anybody want to meet in Atlanta on the 29th or 30ts? Preferably someone who
might have an empty bed to put the weary old warrior up for the night?
I'll be taking the "Other" car, and might have room for a co-pilot, at least on
the outward leg. I don't plan to return right away, so anyone considering a
ride out with the ol' rutabaga would need to arrange other means for the return
leg. I plan to arrive at Colorado Springs NLT the 3rd...