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Re: Depraved motor musings

Hey Josh,

Thanks for the post on the Mazda swap!  I'd been dreaming about just that for
the Syncro, and hadn't considered the lack of torque before.  Excellent Point!!!

Hell, even the wrong cam in a "torque-y" v8 can cause that exact problem.  Back 
when I was drag-racing my '66 Corvette, I once replaced the original 350 hp 
hydraulic-lifter bumpstick with that from a '65 fuelie, on the advice of my 
friendly shade-tree mechanic.  *Baaaaaaad* move.  Sure, it had the desired 
effect of eliminating the lifter float at 6200 rpm and would really come alive
about there, running to 7500 easily.  Unfortunately, it had zero torque below
3500, requiring a side-step at 6000 to get off the line clean.  HD Racing clutch
say bye-bye after about 10 runs.  Epilog:  Swap to '61 fuelie cam and addition 
of custom built headers with 3.5" dia x 36" long collectors did the trick.

So my latest insanity is dreaming of swapping a new Corvette all-aluminum LS-4 
into the Syncro.  Whaddaya think...?

Yer Kindly Ol' Unka Bart