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Re: Euro Locks (was Preventing Wheel Theft)

kappa@travelin.com wrote:
>    Just another data point on the Euro Locks.  I too own a set of these.
> Purchased them many years ago when Ron first started carrying them.  Like all
> products, they have their pros and cons.
>    They are small, relatively hassle free, but work best in limited situations.
> ie if you're lug bolts live in a recessed cavity in you rims, these are the cats
> meow.  But if you have exposed lug bolts, these can be undone with Vicegrips or
> the like.
>    And like another lister posted, anything with a key poses the problem of the
> key breaking.  These are a cylindrical metal key with a moulded plastic grip.
> Small, fits on a keychain, but still possible to break.    BTDT.  One of these
> days I'll call RPI for a new key.  Almost as expensive as a new set of eurolock
> tho...
> Piece of mind it a nice thing, and these can provide some, although their not
> indestructable.
> Best application: recessed
> Overkill: combine with another wheel-lock solution provider...
> just my .02
Also, locking wheel nuts DO NOT torque well.  At COM events in the past,
(before Glenn Powell's time) we asked folks to put their stock lug nuts
on as the locking ones were known to come loose in competition and WILL
not stand the torque forces....at least we have found that to be true.

And that's my $.03