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Audi + Girl = Bankruptcy

Well guys, I done gone 'n got engaged.  (To my girlfriend that is)  I
don't know what it is, but I seem to have an affinity for high-cost,
high-maintenance stuff.  And as if my car wasn't enough for me, I need a
woman to go along with it.  (that's OK though 'cause methinks she's worth

So here I find myself in the course of one month :
	1) buying a diamond ring and 
	2) having transmission work done.  
When will the lunacy end?

The up side to all of this?  Give me a few years and I will be raising a
few little tykes with the same impeccable tastes as I have.  (God help me
if my son wants to drive a Geo when he grows up.)

JP Mahala (jpmahala@juno.com)
'91 coupe quattro and in no way ready for a baby seat

P.S.  Maybe I'll have the A7 minivan as an option when I am ready?