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Hi folks,
   Does anybody know if there was difference between the D60M2s and the D60A2s?
Seeing that many people (but not all) had bad experiences the A2s, while I had
a wonderful experience with the M2s, makes me wonder. I also wonder why they
changed the name or discontinued the tire? 

    I had a set of D60m2s on my 85 Mr2, and although they didn't give much
mileage, they stuck to the road very well. I think I only got around 11K miles
out of them. After that, I swung the other way and went to el-cheapos on the
MR2.. Won't do that again.
    I imagine that on a heavier car (all Audis), the tire wear must be
tremendous on the soft Dunlops. For those folks out there with the D40 M2s..
what kind of mileage have you been getting?
    In the future sometime, I had planned to make the switch to the D40s for
both cars.

                               -Osman Parvez
                                89 200q (157K miles)
                                Siena College
                                Albany NY