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RE: quick turbo question (fwd)

I would avoid the G-Ladder altogether. It is too hard to come by and too
expensive. I would look for common blower like Paxton. Bellvue Motor
Sports has a kit for VW's and with a little tweeking might work on the
I5 Audi motor.
Anton J. Gaidos, III
PC Design
Motorola Computer Group (Hoping my days are numbered!!!!!)
"The fortunate man knows how much he can safely leave to chance"

>From: 	steveb@falcon.kla.com[SMTP:steveb@falcon.kla.com]
>Sent: 	Thursday, May 01, 1997 1:30 PM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: quick turbo question (fwd)
>> I'd be up for it.  A G60 might bolt on, or a turbo off
>> an early 5kt as some have done.  There has got to be a market
>> for about 100 of these...
>... I was thinking about the turbo bolt-on route as well.  I'm thinking 
>that you'd end up having to swap both manifolds and you'd need the wastegate
>and a lot more stuff.  I'm kinda new to the thinking about NA upgrades, 
>but it sure seems like finding a place to bolt on a G-lader and modify 
>the intake plumbing would be much more simple.  Can anyone out there 
>report on what is really involved with putting a super-charger onto 
>a NA engine ... or even attaching a low max boost turbo to a higher
>compression engine?  
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)