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Re: quick turbo question (fwd)

In a note dated 5/1/97 Dan S. asks:

<<This tells me that there is still potentially a Callaway solution out there
somewhere, and/or it is possible to engineer a bolt-on turbo for the 4kq. Any

I'll bet there are given the number of people who do (and many more who would
like to if the logistics were easier) convert 4kq's to turbo motors. The
Callaway kit would be a good alternative as it would be perhaps be an easier
shade-tree mod and 178hp would be enough to satisfy most 4kq owners. While I
understand ND does not currently "own" this technology from Callaway, they
could reproduce it if the numbers made sense. What production numbers would
he need to make this a reality...it was already developed after all so what
would his real costs of offering it be? I don't think deluging Tim with
e-mails is appropriate. So, how's about a 4kq caravan to their doorstep on
the day of their car show? ;-) That'll show there is some interest maybe.

Mike Veglia
85 4ksq (which I would love to have turboed, Callaway or Audi...someday)