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Ur-Q Sightings

All Southern California Q folks:

Here's a semi-interesting tale:  Was at the VW Jamboree in Irvine on
Saturday, on the off chance that an Audi would be there, and presto, a red
UR-Q comes into the parking lot!  Naturally, I grab the videocam and run over
to tackle the driver.  Turns out to be an English fellow named Steve, who
lives in Laguna Niguel and has been in the US for about 4 months.  He's a
long time Q owner, having had several UR-Qs over the years.

This one was an '83 with only 73K and impeccable condition.  Was changed to
Porsche Guards Red from the factory Gold.  Says his boss at work sold it to

Naturally I told him about the list and the Q Club, and he seemed excited
about the Virginia City event as well.  Very nice guy; give him a chat if you
see a Red Ur-Q zippin' around the Huntington Beach area.

San Diego
'87 4Q 10V Turbo