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RE: 1990 CQ -repairs accomplished and repairs to do!
Have a look for your Oxy sensor next time you pull the RF wheel off,
it's *right there*.
The CQ has two piece struts, i.e. the bearing carrier and the shock tube
are separate pieces bolted together. This makes changing the strut
bearing fairly easy. Just get an alignment when you're done.
My bomb is going too, and it doesn't make any noises. I'm not sure what
generates the pressure the bomb holds, but it's gotta be some kind of
pump. Sounds like that pump is complaining, not the bomb. I'm with you
on replacing it. It looks to be fairly simple to do, just needs bleeding
the system afterwards (and we all know how simple *that* is on these
cars) and getting rid of something that has a number of characteristics
in common with explosives (holds _high_ pressure, looks like a Natasha
gift to Rocky...).
-Ian Duff.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alvin - not required - [SMTP:PRIMO_JR@msn.com]
>Subject: FW: 1990 CQ -repairs accomplished and repairs to do!
>[Duff, Ian] <<snippage>>
>I have yet to change my OXY sensor
>because it looks like a PITA to extract and install-ANY ADVICE?
>[Duff, Ian] <<more snippage>>
>BUT if I change the STRUT BEARINGS, I
>will want to change the STRUTS, SHOCKS, SPRINGS, and maybe every last BUSHING
>in the front end and rear end as well.
>[Duff, Ian]
>FOURTH- I also have a PRESSURE ACCUMULATOR that thinks its in a humming band.
>It first makes a HMMMMMMMMMMM when you start the car, then after you brake it
>goes HMMMMMMMMM and when it does this the tach goes down slightly. The brake
>light comes on only if you slammm on the brakes or when you give it the 10
>step test. I have priced the part at under $200 and it looks marginally
>difficult to remove and replace, but I'll probably have my mechanic do it
>because it has liquid and lots o pressure. HAS ANYONE REPLACED THEIRS