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A90 overheat: Thanks and more
Thanks guys, it seems that your tips have:
- prevented the mechanic from bullshitting us (the fan does work)
- saved us from an immediate $400 expense (no more warning so far after
toping up)
One more question before I let you feel good about yourselves... ;-)
The power steering is making ugly groans on full lock turns. The first
time it did that, I noticed the fluid level was a bit low (not much
though), added some and it was better for a while. It's back now, but
the fluild level is OK. Is it another case of needing to overfill ? ;-)
(hope not) Or might it be a big $$$ expense coming our way again ?
(the car's got 96000 miles)
Many thanks guys ! I appreciated your help and also shoving it to the
mechanic that wanted $400 !
91 A90, 96 GTI-VR6