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Rear Girling caliper troubles --Conclusion

Thanks to all who offered much helpful advice getting the 
caliper piston all the way in.

As several of you suggested, the piston *does* indeed have to be 
screwed or "spiraled" in (as Phil P. described it)

There is also a 12 or 13 mm hex head fitting in the center of the 
piston--in my case both of them were pretty well rounded out and 
unusuable.  So, I went after the pistons with channel locks 
(that's large, slip-joint pliers to some of you...hehheh) Actually, I 
had my friendly local mechanic do the job for me, didn't really 
relish the idea of sitting in the mud until midnight again !

So, for $50.00 in labor (I supplied my own parts) I had both new 
rear brake discs and pads replaced, and drained and replaced the 
brake fluid. 

Avoiding the aggravation was easily worth fifty bucks in itself.  At
least I now know how to do the job. 

Thanks again, all.

'87 5KCSTQ
Kurt Wesseling
Technical Support Center
The Education Network of Maine