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Mac 01a Question

    This may be more slanted toward my fellow Quattro Owners Club members,
but I know there are a few other Mac01's in cars here stateside.
    I am trying to repair the ECU harness on my 81 TQC and need to know where
the lead from the throttle postion switch (wire color Brown with blue stripe)
goes into the ECU in the glove box.  My wire was snipped off and the
connector pulled out of the ECU housing.  Bentley shows it's position as #21,
although a quick look at #21 male side looks as if it never had a connector
on it (I tried it and it didn't seem to work).  There are at least 1/2 dozen
open slots on the Mac01 and any solid ideas would cut down on the
experimentation and possible damage to the ECU.  Anyone who has the time to
visually check and verify it would be very much appreciated.