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HELP....My 90'CQ leaking green stuff and the a/c compressor won't engage.......

Help.....my 1990 CQ has received a fresh charge of freon 2 weeks ago and has 
been pumping out cold air since today.  Yesterday...Wednesday 5/28 while 
picking up my mail at the POB I heard a very small hissssssssssssssss, but saw 
nothing leaking, yet. I continued to drive regularly the remainder of the day 
with no visable problems, but still heard the hissssssss every time I shut off 
the car to go somewhere. The whole day the a/c was being used everything was 
fine. Then, Thursday 5/29 I leave to help my friend find parts at the junk 
yard for HONDA parts ((( were the Audi gods upset???))) I returned to his 
house and noticed a small puddle of green stuff under the car- antifreeze 
(very dark btw as well) and after starting the car I tried to engage the a/c - 
fan kicks in , blower pushing air , but ABSOLUTELY no compressor action 
.....tried 10,20,30 times no a.c compressor action - fuse is not burned out, 
what do I try next???????/Help me Obi Wan Kenobi you're my only hope!!!!!!!  
May the force be with us all and our Audis.   

		Sincerely Jedi Knight - Alvin Adelhoch 
		aka   : PRIMO_JR@msn.com