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RE: PArts for sale
Sounds like you have one heck of a project car in front of you. Must be fun
tearing things out of your car and not caring how to put them back in again.
To the point, I am inquiring if you still have and would consider selling
your (2) front fog lamps if in 100 % working condition and not "cracked" or "
overly pitted" on the glass lens. My driver's side front fog light took a
direct hit from a rock and made a 1" hole in the front. The bulb and rear
housing is perfect, but the glass is destroyed.
Please respond.
Sincerely , Alvin Adelhoch PRIMO_JR@msn.com
(((( how much for the following???? )))
2 - heated leather front seats (gray). Excellent Condition---- are the sides
worn down enough that the color is gone and does the drivers side bolster lean
because of age?????
2 - door panels - excellent condition------ is there any sagging or fabric
pulling away from the doors????
Mark Nelson
Borealis Technology Corp.
SQA Engineer
1990 Audi "S2" Quattro (Building for SCCA Pro Rally)
Past Audis: 1987 5000CSTQ, 1987 5000CSTQW
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 13:47:31 -0400
From: Eric Renneisen <renneie@hlthsrc.com>
Subject: RE: 87 CGT: Cruise Control revisited Arrrrrgh
>>> "Jon W." <jwilliam@ns1.water.net> 04/21/97 01:02pm >>>
> Ummm.. okay, here come some ignorant newbie questions.
Hey, we're all still learning, right? (I know I am.) Welcome to the
wonderful world of Audi electrics!
> Is this brown wire part of the ground? Will its being connected
> affect the ground test?
Yep, brown is always ground on these Audi beasts. Follow that wire
to it's end. It should be a common ground point on the body where
it will meet other brown wires. Make sure this point is clean and tight.
> The second plastic housing was clipped to the side of the central
> console. Will its being "unclipped" while I was testing affect the
> ground? (My guess is not, as it is encased in plastic, but whadda I
> know.)
Probably doesn't matter. If there are no wire connections that require
it to be clipped on, then you're O.K.
> Assuming that all these things make no difference and it IS the
> ground that is causing the CC malfunction. How would I use the
> multimeter to test the cable's continuity.
I don't have my 7678 with me, but the manual will explain how to test
a wire. Now that I think about it, my manual was incorrect. I believe it
said to use the resistance (ohm) setting for continuity tests, but mine
has the symbol printed on the lowest voltage setting (200 mV?). The
symbol should look something like this: o))) where the "o" is a solid
dot and the parentheses get larger as they go out. I'm working from
memory here, so all of the above is very likely wrong. You'll know
you've got the right setting when the unit beeps when you touch the two
leads together. Once you've got the right setting, just touch one lead on
one end of the wire and the other lead to the opposite end. If you hear a
beep, the wire's good.
Eric Renneisen
'90 CQ 20V - my 'racing-iron' ;^)
Chattanooga, TN
End of quattro-digest V4 #636
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