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Help with 200 Steering Column

My mechanic got my 1990 200's air bag disconnected but needs to 
drop the steering column just a bit (if I understand what he sez) in 
order to get the lock cylinder out, which is needed to replace the 
starter switch.  Evidently he's also dealing with reight bolts 
on the column when the Bentley calls for four, epoxy on the bolts, 
and some other stuff which is all UNdocumented in the Bentley.

MAN, I hate it when this stuff happens when I'm out of town - and it 
the car has to go to the mechanic for something like this.  He has 
been working at this for a week now, and it's gonna cost me 

Can anyone help me with any tricks to get that lock cylinder out?  
I'm looking at a second mortgage before we get done - all to change a 
$30 part.


Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      