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Re:All European Internet Catalog/Discount
They should put the price list up for ftp, or a link from their page...
Wouldn't that make life simple? What's a floppy? ;>
On Thu, 15 May 1997 brv@chrysler.com wrote:
> I haven't recieved my own mail yet so I will repost:
> Fellow Q-listers:
> Some of you have inquired about a place called All European Auto
> Supply here in Michigan. I posted a message yesterday about my
> feelings (very good) about this outfit. I also sugested that since
> the owner was a good personal friend of mine, that I would see if he
> could offer a discount to the Q-list members.
> Well, its a good day for the Q-list!! Rotem offered to lower his
> already good prices another level if you identified yourself as a
> Q-lister (I would use the term "Quattro List"). He also told me that
> his web page does not nearly identify his product line. Some of you
> have noted that the prices listed are pretty good already. So look at
> it as a bonus for those of us "members" of the Audi fraternity. If
> you want, Rotem can supply a floppy of the Audi catalog to anyone who
> requests it.
> If you need parts and don't want to pay your local dealer's kids Ivy
> league tuition, then try All European and see what they can do. You
> might be surprised:-).
> BTW, I'm getting no compensation for this at all. He's a good friend
> that provides good service at a very good price. I get all my own
> stuff for them.
> The phone number again: 1-800-ALL EURO. ask for Rotem or Kurt
> I hope this helps some of you to continue the addiction to the breed!
> Cheers!!
> Brian Vinson
> 86 5KCSTQ w/ MANY All European supplied parts!!($$$$$$$$$)
Mark Eissler | BigEndian Systems Inc.
marke@bigendian.com | http://www.bigendian.com/
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