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Chris, my borrowed fiche shows a number of rubber parts on the
transmission securing parts page:  443 399 415 A are the large bushings
into the sub-frame (secured with bolt and washer), 443 253 148 B is the
rubber bush that looks to mount between the left and right tranny
mounts, and there is a "bonded rubber mounting" 431 399 151 D, on the
other side of the subframe from the first two.  This appears to be
mounted with some kind of stop and a bolt from the top (the others are
bolts from the bottom).

Oops, wrong page.  Oh well, maybe somebody else can use that part.
Here's what I see on the differential:  bonded rubber mounting 183 199
381 A, also rubber mounting 443 505 171 F, but the other mounts seem to
be bearings.  I don't seem to find a page for rear subframe.

Does anyone know they're way around the fiche well enough to explain how
they are organized?  I have trouble finding my way around.  I don't
think I have the whole set, and and the "pile" may have been shuffled.
The numbering isn't a big help.