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RE: Vacuum pump or lifters?????

That was the best advice I had in about 5 years! 10 minutes time and I knew
where my noise was coming from. Been running quiet ever since! I now have my new
0-ring for the pump and place on a relube and and try it again with the rod in
Try it, you shuold find the task quite easy! 
86 4KCSQ 
-----Original Message----- 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 1997 2:00 AM 
Subject: Vacuum pump or lifters????? 
> Schmidt242@aol.com writes: 
> Is there any way to know for sure that the "ticking" noise that I and many 
> other owners are experincing i s the vacuum pump or the lifters since the 
> characteristics are  the same.  
Pull the pump, take out the rod, replace the pump and see what's happened to  
the noise. It's the quickest way. 
 Phil Payne