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Turning motor to TDC

In message <199705211825.OAA00155@ns.tamsconsultants.com> afinney@tamsconsultants.com writes:
> What's the fastest and easiest way to get the I5 motor to
> TDC. Should I keep quick-cranking w/ the starter or use a
> breaker bar on the pulley bolt w/ the plugs removed?  Any
> thoughts appreciated.

Erm ...
Flat surface.  Plugs out.  Distributor cap off.  Brakes off.  Top gear.
Push the car until the distributor mark _roughly_ lines up.

Place a "spider" or a sliding T-bar with socket on a wheel-nut - front left 
wheel.  Grasp an Aaron "Bend-A-Lite Pro" between your teeth and insert the 
bright end into the flywheel housing aperture.  Using the left front 
wheel, and feet on the T-bar or spider, move the car _very_ gently fore and 
aft, looking for the "O" to appear in the approved position.

For critical work, you can kick wedges under the wheel.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club