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Audi V8 Valdez

I bought a 1990 V8 Quattro (3.6) with 70k.  When I bought it I was told by
ex-Audi tech to change timing belt and front seal.  Although the front seal
wasn't leaking we changed it anyway.  It leaked.  We changed it again.  It
leaked.  We changed it again.  It leaked.  All of these leaks are withen five
hundred miles of  the new factory seals.  I was told by an Audiphile that
there was an updated heavier duty seal.  We put that in.  It leaked.  Also
advised about some western US V8 with a moving crank causing seals to leak.
 On mine the crank end play is withen specs.  
I am sure the seals were installed correctly but I can't figure this one out.
 It doesn't leak much but what does leak, drips on lower engine cover and
onto exaust so I always smell it.  

Andrew Minkewicz