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rust on rear fender (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 22:32:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joan  Kotjarapoglus <jkot+@pitt.edu>
To: quattro e-mail list <majordomo.coimbra.ans.net+@pitt.edu>
Subject: rust on rear fender

My 1987 Audi 5000 tq is showing some rust tucked along the chrome
plastic strip along the passenger side rear bumper and also at the
same location but below the left drain channel at the base of he
trunk.  I was disappointed and contacted a local body shop for repair 
options.  Shop owner suggested removing the chrome plastic trim,
removing rust (assume patch as necessary).  Instead of repainting the 
pearl white, he suggested using a black protectant that would
reported stop further rusting.  It would extend about an inch above the
chrome piece and around the entire rear bumper.  If done correctly, this
sound like a common sense solution.  I am open to any suggestions or
experiences others may have had in this regard.
	George Kotjarapoglus     please respond to jkot@pitt.edu