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FW: 4000S, saw for sale, Wisconsin
When my 86 4KCSQ was brand new, on long road trips where I would travel 400
miles straight or so, my baby was know to get about 31 MPG. Of course those days
are long gone and now I get about 22 or so most of the time....
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 1997 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: 4000S, saw for sale, Wisconsin
<<saw the following vehicle for sale:...1985 Audi 4000 S...32MPG...price
???? One of two possiblities, either the seller is out and out lying, or this
car is driven VERY gently. 32 mpg from a 4kq???? Never seen even close from
any of the 3 I've owned (including 1 brand new 10 years ago before CA RFGII
gas.) By Jerry's description this car sounds a bit rough and not a great
deal, but perhaps a fair price.
Mike Veglia
85 4ksq (great MPG only if I coast down hills with the motor off ;-) )