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Re: Subject: ACK!! Air Bag Help, Please!
In a note dated 5/28/97 "Keleigh Hardie" <hobbesian@worldnet.att.net> writes:
<<UMMM... You could just disconnect the battery.>> in response to Al Powell's
question: <<HELP me locate the connector which must be disconnected to
de-activate the air bag!!>>
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a capacitor or battery back-up for this
bomb they call a "safety device" so disconnecting the battery WILL NOT
de-activate the air bag. On that subject, I thought dealers were now supposed
to tell you how to disconnect these things in case the driver is small (less
than 5'2") since it has been determined they are very dangerous for small
people. Al, have you tried inquiring with the dealer where to un-hook this
Mike Veglia
85 4ksq