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Re: Oil cooler lines needed...
Wow two in one day!!! I think I can help you,too, Mike. I just
had the oil lines and oil cooler replaced by my mechanic, Larry Reed. He
sells parts through partstore@aol.com.
Berthann Mulieri
On Fri, 30 May 1997 Myke456@aol.com wrote:
> If anyone is parting out a 5k turbo or has a spare used set laying around,
> let me know:
> both oil cooler lines (covered with steel braid), 87 5kcstq
> possibly oil cooler also, if those nuts are corroded onto the present one
> I'll buy new if I have to. Anyone gotten a good price?
> ([____]=====OOOO=====[____]) 87 5kcsTQ, 202k miles
> []]]]]]]][Mike Aiello][[[[[[[] original owner
> ___\}}}/________________\}}}/_______myke456@aol.com
> Dutchess County, NY