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Dave, the air lock is open . . .

Update on 86 5Ks brake pad sensor warning light (maybe):

Wanted to fix this over the weekend - weather didn't cooperate - rain both
days, and the garage is full of "other stuff" - stay tuned . . .

Other stuff: Removed climate controller, re-soldered wires from solenoid
through PC board - they LOOKED OK, but upon reassembly, everything started
to make all the approved clickety click sounds and the air door over the
controller box now moves. Flap which redirects air from default mode
(defroster only) to dashboard outlets still not working - something else to
look at - also, little motor which moves heater control valves has a slight
case of stripped gears ($%*#@^&^!)

Anybody have: bad motor with good gears?
              how to get gears and potentiometer on bottom of motor into
correct positions? (Methinks this could be a "balanced bridge" system - the
motor moves until the variable resistor on the end of the shaft matches the
resistance of the inside air temp sensor thermister, whereupon the "wein
bridge" is balanced and the controller logic shuts off the motor. As the
inside air temp changes, the logic moves the motor in the correct direction
and distance until it balances again? Does this make ANY sense - or have I
just re-invented a square wheel?)

How come these cars are so darn fiddly?

Last items:

Scott and Eric - you guys BOTH know what you're talking about - take this as
a forlorn plea for just a little more civility between us pore afflicted
Audi owners. C'mon guys, we're all in this together, and attacking each
other with enthusiasm does not add to the list's information base, just
raises the rancor index - which helps no one and makes no one any money
either. (Ducking now - - - scrambling for Nomex)

Phil - on the 5.5 mm allen wrench  - please advise mailing address so I can
send you the money!
Best Regards,

Mike Arman