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Re: Coil-over shocks LONG REPLY

STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:
> Todd Candey said:
> >
> >
> >Hey guys, I'm not getting into this debate about coil-overs.
> >But Eric's sig file has made me wonder...
> >
> >Here in IL you can't call yourself an engineer unless you are degree'd.
> >I assume it's the same way in MO. So, Eric, what engineering school did
> >you go to? What's your SAE number? Just what is your degree anyway? Phd,
> >MS, or is it all BS?
> First your post makes me wonder just how far your head is up your
> butt......
> 2nd  Do you even know what my degrees ( yes I have Multi degrees.......)
> are?  Since you don't I suggest that you take a long hike off a short pier.

I really don't know what or how many degrees you claim to have. I would 
however be interested to see if you can prove your claim of engineer with 
the associated piece of paper.
So, why don't you just scan in your degree and post it up to the list. 
I'm sure I'm not the only person who'd like to see you put your money 
where your mouth is...
