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That stolen wheel/tire story...

"Sean Ford" asked:

I wonder if the stolen wheel/tire story is true, or one of those "I know a
guy who knows a guy who has a friend" kind of stories? Question: highway
travel at speeds of 65-75 mph, air temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit
(road temp considerably higher), I would imagine that internal tire
temperature is very hot... what happens to the thin plastic of the baggie
containing the photocopied license?
Royal replies:

The thin plastic of the baggie reaches an incredibly high temperature and
is subjected to extreme centrifugal force where its molecules are
into a small blackened blob with a copy of your license at it core.
When your car is stopped for a period of at least 27 hours the cooling
blob turns into a tiny angry engineer who will poke a hole in your tire to
escape and puke up the copy of your license onto your hood.  Before he
the area he will go into your house and burrow into your brain while you
It is at this point that he will leave an even tiny-er timed release
deep inside your cerebral cortex that will leave you with a peculiar urge
argue about the springs on your cars with other well meaning people.

Please do not risk this.  If you must, never leave your car alone for more
approximately 26 hours.
