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Re: Brown smoke coming from center vents.

On Mon, 02 Jun 1997 23:17:17 -0400, Ray Knight wrote:

>On my '88 80Q w/ 133K miles I just started experiencing a strange
>problem.  I am getting brown smoke coming from the center vents.  This
>discharge lasts for a minute or two after making a left turn.  I cannot
>distinguish any particular smell from the smoke.  The air conditioning
>appears to function properly otherwise and the smoke comes even when the
>air conditioning is not engaged. [ ... ]

I think you have water sloshing around in the blower plenum. No
coolant smell? No film on the inside of the windshield? Happens
during turns? I think this eliminates a heater core leak. Brown
water? Well, I recently read that the A/C system is a favorite
haunt of various molds, especially in the southeast.

The drain(s) which handle condensation from the A/C evaporator
can easily become clogged. Does the blower motor sound change
during these events? If so, the water may be sloshing into the fan.
Use a long, stiff wire to open up the drains from their exit points
underneath the car if the symptoms fit this scenario.

DeWitt Harrison   de@aztek.com
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq