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Re: No flashing

>This list never ceases to amaze me! I just discovered that Audi drivers
>don't flash (headlights) in CA, too!

It doesn't work in Georgia or Texas, either.  :(

Rather than flash headlights, I blink my emergency flashers three times.
This works for people coming at me and behind me.  Only person who
ever responded was Luis Marques, another lister.  One time I pulled next
to a guy in an Audi Cabriolet and gave him a thumbs up, and he returned it,
with a big ole grin.  :-)

Those are the only two times, out of the many I've tried, that I have
gotten responses from other Audi owners.  One time I was walking around
campus and saw an '84 Coupe GT pull out in front of me.  I yelled "Nice
car!", and he screamed back, "It's a piece of <expletive deleted>!!"

So, I keep trying, but don't expect any response.

'85 Coupe GT
Eric J. Fluhr                                Email:  ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com
630FP Logic/Circuit Design                   Phone:  (512) 838-7589
IBM Microelectronics Div.                    Austin, TX