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Re: No flashing

Mike Arman wrote:
> every day, too.) - and NO ONE responds! Zip. Zilch. Nada.
> Sometimes I get a blank stare, as in "Who is THIS wierdo?", sometimes 
> they are totally comatose and don't even turn their heads! Is it 
> possible that WE, the enthusiasts, who even know how many cylinders
> our engines have, that we who are actually _interested_ in our cars 
> are in the MINORITY? Do most of these Audi drivers simply 
> regard transportation them as appliances? What gives?

	I know - I used to think all Audi owners were knowledgeable of what
they were driving(the marque and its past), but I see fewer and fewer
Audi 'nuts'...most don't even notice me(How dare they-owners of
newer(all of them) Audis, they're an offspring of ME!). ;-)
	However, I will say that EVERY C-GT owner/driver does something ...I
think we're so happy to each other! Hmmm, I wonder then what it must be
like for ur-q owners. :-(

> It doesn't work in Georgia or Texas, either.  :(

> Rather than flash headlights, I blink my emergency flashers three times.
> This works for people coming at me and behind me.  Only person who
> ever responded was Luis Marques, another lister.

	 The other night the person driving the '85 Alpine White Coupe-GT that
I was pacing and to whom I signaled by showing my 4K manual(I was in my
girl's Mitsu...) did his emergencies when I exited the highway(his way
of saying 'GoodBye') at which point rapidly peeling off I had nothing
else to do but to quickly flash my highs. Was this you, Eric, visiting
Mass?  ;-)

> Those are the only two times, out of the many I've tried, that I have
> gotten responses from other Audi owners.  One time I was walking around
> campus and saw an '84 Coupe GT pull out in front of me.  I yelled "Nice
> car!", and he screamed back, "It's a piece of <expletive deleted>!!"

	It's funny, but that's how I feel half the time - but I will never tell
that to a person who compliments or recognizes my car! I always just
smile because I'm simply amazed someone knows their cars that well!

> So, I keep trying, but don't expect any response.

	Expect one from me!  :-)

    _____    _____________   ________________________________________
    ALLAN    ampj@tiac.net      '86 COMMEMORATIVE DESIGN COUPE GT
    JONES    Burlington MA      169K and making a horrific racket!
    _____    _____________   ________________________________________