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Re: What do Engineers drive?

On Jun 6, 11:50am, Duff, Ian wrote:
> The license plate had one of those rims advertising something,
> and as I got close enough to read it, I almost qualified myself
> for a Depends ad. In the top corners it had "PE", one in each
> corner, and across the bottom, it said "ENGINEER". Now
> I know what REAL Engineers drive. License plate surrounds attached
> to agricultural Detroit iron.

"Real" engineers, eh?  :-)  Well, imnsho, at least in some
disciplines "PE" is to engineer as "MENSA member" is to

Hey, did you notice if the steerer was wearing a pocket protector?

Dan Masi
'96 A4q
[qualifies for MENSA but is not a member;
 has three engineering-related degrees but is not a PE;
 drive German metal without advertising;
 donning nomex now.]