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Need For Speed 2 has an Audi Quattro!
Hi Gang,
Sorry for the limited Audi content but I know that a few of you
enjoy playing The Need For Speed II.
I just thought I'd let you know that you can actually drive an
Audi A6 Quattro in the game instead of the usual assortment of
supercars. ;-)
How do you get it? First of all, send me $5.... just kidding!
All you need to do is select the track you want, then type QUATTRO
while on the main menu screen. You'll hear a little "whoosh"
noise that will tell you that you're selection has taken effect.
Since the Quattro ain't exactly a speed demon, you might also
want to type PIONEER then hit the race button. (PIONEER will
give your car some SERIOUS power... 0-100 in about 4.5
seconds... top speed around 211!! ;-) The race begins and you'll
see your car has changed... of course, you don't see the dashboard
view, but you can hit the "C" key to change the camera views.
Other "secret cars" in the game.
TYPE (at menu) GIVES YOU:
BMW BMW 5 Series sedan
5 spd. 144mph*
4 spd. 112mph in 3rd gear
QUATTRO A6 Quattro
5 spd. 131mph
VOLVO 850 turbo wagon
5 spd. 162 mph
LANDCRUISER old Toyota Cruiser
5 spd 108 mph
MIATA Mazda Miata
5 spd 112mph
JEEPYJ Jeep Wrangler
5 spd 102mph
4 spd 88mph
SEMI Semi tractor w/o trailer
6spd 101mph (diesel)
BUS School Bus
6 spd 69mph (diesel)
5spd 63mph (diesel)
Other options: (type at menu)
HOLLYWOOD Gives you the "extra track"... movie studio
PIONEER Gives you the "special" high performace
Have fun! :)
** Darin Nederhoff email: savidesn@audvid.win.net **
** "Audi Quattro Enthusiast" **
** Teflon makes things slick, Quattro makes 'em STICK! ;) **
** '93 S4 (pearl / ecru) **
** '90 V8Q (silver / black) **
** '90 Coupe Q (pearl / platinum)-my daily driver **
** '86 XR4ti (white / gray) -mine... summers only ;) **
** AUTOBAHNIA USA Homepage... http://www.win.net/~audvid **
** A site for Audi Quattro and Merkur XR4ti enthusiasts! **