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Re: Out out, damned heat!
I just pulled my heater valve out this weekend and found a small cork and
put it in the in side of the core and put it back together as a quick fix
for a few weeks. The air conditioning seems much more able without the
heat on all the time. Does anyone have an old one they would like to sell
or a good source for a new one???
>>I assume it is the temp control flap buried deep in the bowels of the car,
>>so it will be a bitch to fix. Does anyone have any quick suggestions so I
>>don't have to have the windows open all the time?
>If there isn't a valve in the heater core hose to manually disconnect and
>close, try clamping the hose shut... should buy you some time. Be careful
>of damaging the hose, though. hth.
>Huw Powell
>HUMAN Speakers
87' 5KCSTq
' taxes are revolting; why aren't you? '