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Cooling system question
Nothing like a long trip to generate questions about my car. I
bought this car last September and have no experience with driving it
in hot weather. On this trip we had some warm weather, mid 70ies. The
temperature guage would climb to slightly above half way as I climbed a
long, (2-4 mile) hill at high speed, 70-80mph and would then fall to
slightly above one quarter as I descended. Given all the feed back
control in this car I am surprised at this variation in engine
temperature and wonder if it indicates some incipient cooling system
failure or does it mean that the cooling system has just barely enough
capacity for heat dissipation so that a little stress overwhelms the
control mechanisms.
Another question. Given this behavior I was hesitant to use the
a/c as I thought this would exaccerbate the problem but in fact with the
a/c on the engine temperature ran lower and was more steady--I don/t
understand this; does anyone have an answer.
Berthann Mulieri