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Cooling system question
In message <Pine.A32.3.91.970609095957.52178B-100000@gnu.uvm.edu> "Louis A. Mulieri" writes:
> Given all the feed back
> control in this car I am surprised at this variation in engine
> temperature and wonder if it indicates some incipient cooling system
> failure or does it mean that the cooling system has just barely enough
> capacity for heat dissipation so that a little stress overwhelms the
> control mechanisms.
> Another question. Given this behavior I was hesitant to use the
> a/c as I thought this would exaccerbate the problem but in fact with the
> a/c on the engine temperature ran lower and was more steady--I don/t
> understand this; does anyone have an answer.
Switching the a/c on automatically runs the radiator fan at a low setting.
It sounds like it's not running when it should.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club