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RE: review of automotive books needed
One of the all time great reads is called "Stand On It", by Stroker Ace,
which is reputed to be based on the life of Junior Johnson (I think).
Starts with Stroker's mis-spent youth as the son of an undertaker,
graduating to racing, and continuing with the hi-jinx of a stock car
racer in the late 60's/early 70's. Absolutely hysterical, I have read it
numerous times, and every time I end up reading it in one sitting. I
have a well used copy at home somewhere, I'll try to hunt it down and
get the ISBN for you.
-Ian Duff.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Levitt [SMTP:wheelman@shore.net]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 June 1997 11:46 AM
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: review of automotive books needed
I'm putting together a listing of automotive books for a website
(http://www.wheelman.com), and would appreciate recommendations
on books
relevant to fast drivng and Audis. I've already got the book of
performance 4 wheel driving.... If you can provide an exact
title, author
and a brief review (a couple of lines to a couple of
paragraphs), I'd
appreciate it. (If you have a copy of the book, I'd also
appreciate the
If you'd like to have your name and email listed as a reviewer
of the
book, please let me know. Ultimately, I'm planning on building
up a
topical library that should be a lot of fun.
Please send comments directly to books@wheelman.com, or if you
want to
respond to the list, please cc books@wheelman.com.