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RE: link rod for 90/Coupe?
Sounds like what my wife's old '87 5KSQ usta do when it was low on
Pentosin. The P/S pump would complain, until I fed it more Pentosin. Its
appetite was due to the usual rack leaks. New rack will require CPR
after you discover the price, but reman ones are *much* cheaper. I was
able to maintain lack of groaning by the simple expedient of frequent
feeding of the pump with Pentosin. Kind of like keeping a fresh Band-Aid
on the cut that won't heal. HTH.
-Ian Duff.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Cooke Cooke@cs.lmco.com
Sent: Monday, 09 June 1997 8:35 AM
To: schulz@iatcmail.ed.ray.com
Cc: QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: re:link rod for 90/Coupe?
>>Let me know if that fixes it. I have the same noise on my '90
>>It is most evident when just sitting still and turing the
>>wheel left or right.
>Are we talking about the "tink" sound that the worn links can
>when driving over bumps. or are we talking more about a
>"clunk" which can also be felt when turning the steering wheel?
No "tink"s or "clunk"s... mild groan to be more exact. Car can
stationary to hear it as well. All it takes is a turning of the
Dan Cooke
'90 90Q20V
'86 4KCSQ