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Re: 4000 / UrQ fender removal

In a message dated 97-06-10 09:58:51 EDT, you write:

<< Anyone ever remove a fender from a 4000/coupe/UrQ? Is it
 just a few bolts or is it sealed-in in the wheel well? Thanks.
 Andrew Finney
 1983 UrQ.

WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS THIS IS!  Just had to do it on my 4000CSQ.  There are
about 25 nuts holding it in, you have to take off the bumper cover, and then
Audi slaped about 1/4 inch on caulking there to seal the fender.  It took 2
pretty strong guys 30 minutes to rip the fender off the body.  But yes, you
can do it.
