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RE: rev limiter; scarred s*&%tless

Berthan(or Louis?) wrote:
> > > suddenly it cut in; then out.  It did this three times.  I did not 
> > > My analysis after the fact is that I hit the rev limiter which dropped revs; re-accelerated hit it again > > > and was in an oscillating mode.  
> > > 
> > I don't think it has a rev limiter, the owner manual doesn't say a word about it. I also saw once my auto > > trans letting the revs go far into the red area.
> > However, there is a boost pressure limiter that is supposed to cut the fuel pump when the boost reaches 
> > 1.5 (according to the boost gauge in the dash), so next time it happens watch the boost gauge rather than > > the tach.
> Dear Alex,
>         All this happened in about 5 seconds, it seems a little fast for  the boost to drop, climb, drop, 
> climb etc.  three times in such a short  span of time.
>         Berthann

Well guys and gals, I don't know so very much, but my Audi(s) have rev
limiters on them, and I see no reason why Audi would omit them from some
cars and not others.

It did cross my mind, though, that if a "boost pressure limiter" was to
kick in by cutting the fuel pump, that something like that could
conceivably kick on and off a few times, and it would not necessarily
mean the boost was dropping and climbing that fast.  I think the fuel
pump might cut out momentarily, then come on again, at that point, the
boost still being too high, it would cut out again momentarily.  If a
driver didn't let off the throttle immediately, would the boost remain
for a while?  Or would the lack of fuel immediately slow the motor,
causing the boost to drop?

After all, if it's in gear, so the motor and car don't slow down (much),
and the turbo is still spinning, wouldn't the boost stay the same?

I say it was the rev limiter.  It's good to make sure it works every
once in a while.  ;-)  I've only recently been using mine (for the past
week or so).  Been too scared to do it.  I've been trying to get my
motor used to revving high, as I don't think any P/O's have really
revved it much.


(I remember driving my friend's '84 Coupe GT on a weekend, at night.  We
were on a big stretch of nice road, racing a another friend, and the
owner of the Coupe (being drunk at the time, hence my driving his car),
said, "Downshift!  Downshift!".  I looked at the tach, and since it was
already near redline, I asked him, "Are you sure?!?"  He said, "Yeah! Do
it!"  So I downshift, and sure enough "Whooop-whooop-whooop!"  We start
bouncing off the rev limiter like crazy.  Scared me a bit, 'cause it
caught me off guard.  Later on, when he was sober, he said, "I guess we
were going faster than I thought".  Duh!  Thinking back we musta bounced
off it in third.  Those were the days...)
<><><><><><><Ken Keith [kkeith@qnet.com]><><><><><><>
'86 Audi Coupe GT                                    
	Azev, Abt, Brembo, Borla, K&N, Schrick (soon)
'85 Audi 4k Quattro                                  
	not running, waiting for turbo 5k motor      
'94 Saturn SL2                                       
	16v, 5speed, ABS, full power, ASC sunroof    
	for sale or something                        
for sale:  Coupe GT driver door, misc car hydraulics